Why Do You Need to Pay a Regular Visit to the Dentist?

Regular dental check-ups are significant to maintain healthy gum and prevent gum diseases. Normal dentists recommend visits to a dentist every six months. Our mouth can invite several oral-related problems if we do not get our teeth regularly checked. It is not the time to fix and treat dental problems. Now you must prevent dental issues from happening in the first place.

Earlier your Wilmington family dentist detects a dental problem in your mouth, cheaper will be the treatments you will need to correct them.

Why Should You Visit Your Dentist Regularly?

Why is it so important to visit your dentist every six months or as your dentist suggests? Let us find out why.

Discover Cavities

Vitiates are the tiny holes in your teeth that can develop if you do not have proper oral hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing of teeth can help in preventing cavities. But, there are times when brushing your teeth with a toothbrush with regular flossing might not clean the teeth properly and completely help.

 It can build up to plague that will then lead to tartar and then finally cavities. These teeth problems are very difficult to detect and do not give any warning signs. Paying regular visits to the dentist can help. Your dentist can discover the problem and help you treat it before it gets too severe.

Discover Gum Disease

Gum diseases progress silently. That means these diseases are equally dangerous, like cancer. It can happen because of excessive buildup of plaque or tartar. It can lead to the damaging of the gum tissues, and can also lead to bleeding gums in worst-case scenarios.

Detect Oral cancer

Oral cancer can happen because of unhealthy oral hygiene or lifestyle. People that smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, or do not brush their teeth. It is dangerous to your health and does not even come with a warning sign. But if you go for a regular check-up to a Leland dentist, NC, you can get your cancer detected with just a simple test. Oral cancer in the initial stages can be detected easily. Tests to detect them are painless.

Check for Lymph Nodes Swelling

In the regular check-up sessions, dentists will also perform additional checks that include your head, neck, and the lymph nodes located under your jaw. If he notices swelling in your lymph nodes, your dentist will recommend you the right and appropriate professional tests.

Discover the Hidden Teeth Problems

There are certain cases when your dentist Leland NC might perform X-ray scans on your mouth to find any issues usually hidden from plain sight. Some people have persistent infections in teeth that do not go away. These are the symptoms that can take place because of obstructed teeth especially, wisdom teeth. The X-ray will help your doctor see if there are any hidden or silent dental abnormalities.

Saves Money

Early detection of dental issues will help you save a lot of money on the road. It is easy and possible to treat dental issues at the early stages before they become too severe or untreatable. Leaving tooth decay unattended can lead to a need for a root canal.

What does a Regular Visit to a Dentist Consist of?

  • Your dentist will be reviewing and updating your dental history after every visit of yours.

  • He will be doing an oral cancer screening.

  • He will examine the gums and teeth to detect any oral diseases or infections.

  • Oral prophylaxis is a full mouth cleaning professionally. It also includes polishing of the teeth along with some oral hygiene instructions.

  • During your visit to the dentist, he will be reviewing all the findings and the X-ray reports. He will go for some necessary diagnoses to find out if there is an oral problem and recommend treatments.

With these treatments, you will be reducing the risk of getting any harmful or deadly oral disease or issues.


Make sure to visit your regularly to prevent unnecessary dental issues that can put a burden on your pocket. Dental check-ups are crucial, and you must ignore their importance at all. If you are looking for a trustworthy Wilmington family dentist, You can get in contact with Coastal Smiles.


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